Increase Visibility - uncover what’s really happening inside your organization.
Reduce Time to Market - speed up the delivery of customer value.
Outpace Competition - discover and innovate new products and services.
Develop Your People - strengthen your leadership, teams, and individual contributors with new capabilities.
Overcome Inertia - rethink and confront legacy processes and systems that hold you back.
Do More with Less - strengthen your staff with new or improved skills.
Create visibility and identify target outcomes in as little as 6 weeks
Our insights engagements are a quick and easy way to create transparency and alignment within your product engineering organizations.
Whether you’re looking to create a stellar developer experience, optimize the flow of customer or business value, deliver greater product impacts, or strengthen your teams, leaders, and contributors — we have an insights engagement for each of these needs.
Want to learn more? Check out our Developer Experience Insights offering.
Our workshops provide actionable tools to solve the real-world problems you’re facing
We design custom workshops around your actual needs to create an energized experience that aligns your people and equips them with practical tools and playbooks. We build accountability checks into our workshops to ensure commitments are followed through. Our workshops can be delivered in person or remotely.
Recent workshops we’ve developed for clients include Sense & Respond for Leaders and Value Orientation for Teams.
Work hands-on with our team of highly experienced collaborators
From pop-up innovation labs to large-scale transformations, our collaborators join your teams to make measurable progress in outcomes.
Common missions include redesigning organizations, new product discovery, DevOps immersive learning dojos, upskilling teams with new capabilities, improving developer experience, engineering new platforms, and creating effective enablement strategies.
Learn how we help our clients scale innovation and transformation initiatives.
Leverage our deep experience in product and engineering
Tap into our team of strategic collaborators to increase your initiative’s likelihood of success.
Nerd/Noir co-founder, David Laribee, has consulted for numerous Fortune 500 companies on matters of change strategy, system modernization, and immersive learning dojos. He helped the original dojo team at Target refine and scale their program back in 2015.
Anne Steiner, our Strategic Advisor, is the former CEO of Cprime and DevJam. She’s helped more than 100 clients adopt a product model and realize the benefits of business-tech alignment and agility.